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Zoomlion QAY800 All Terrain Crane - Bauma China 2014

28.11.2014 - Shanghai. Zoomlion is one of Chinas largest crane manufacturers. At bauma China 2014, Zoomlion introduced the QAY800. The brand new all-terrain Crane features a single-cyclinder telescoping system with hydraulic interlocking devices. The maximum lifting capacity is 800 tons. The main boom length extends up to 91 metres and the luffing jib length adds 15 to 69 metres. This makes the QAY800 sufficient for the assembly of wind plants with a maximum height of 150 metres, says Zoomlion.

When travelling, the 8-axle crane has a deadweight of 92 tons. The driving speed is more than 70 kilometres per hour and the maximum gradeability is 35 percent. Zoomlion says the crane has been tested, error-free, during 15,000 kilometres of road tests on Asian street conditions.

Zoomlion also cares about fuel efficiency: The company claims that the refined heat dissipation system reduces engine energy consumption by at least 4 percent. However, the QAY800 won’t be seen in Europe for the time being. It has been specially designed for the Asian market. This probably relates to the technology it uses. Zoomlion claims that is has self-developed many crane technologies. However, experts see similarities to mobile cranes of European and American manufacturers.

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