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XCMG XDE240 Mining Dump Truck - Bauma China 2014

25.11.2014 - Shanghai. Chinese public owned company XCMG claims to be the fifths largest manufacturer of heavy equipment in the world. XCMGs range of electric drive dump trucks ranges from 110 to 400 tons. This makes the XDE240 the company’s third largest dump truck.

The XDE 240 offers a payload of 230 tons. XCMG provides the 4x2 dump truck with a 16V4000 engine by MTU. Optionally available is a Cummins QSK60 engine, depending on customers preference.

The hydro pneumatic suspension aims for a smoother ride. The minimum turning diameter is 28.4 meters. The AC transmisson technology is provided by General Electric. The XDE 240 appears to be an impressive dump truck. However, in quarry and mining there’s nothing more important than service and support. XCMG has yet to prove if it can keep up with the big players of the industry.

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