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bauma China 2014 - Opening and Interview Eugen Egetenmeir

24.11.2014 - Shanghai/China. The tallest cranes. The largest exhibition space. And … the highest numbers of professional visitors: bauma China 2014 in Shanghai is the place to be for the construction equipment industry in Asia. Being already the 7th edition, bauma China is renowned for building sustainable success in the Pacific region.

Eugen Egetenmeir, Managing Director at Messe München, is in charge of bauma China. One day before the mega show opens its gates, he speaks about the newest facts and figures of this year’s bauma China.

bauma China 2014 offers a perfect platform for meeting highly professional deciders. Top managers from throughout the world regularly experience that Shanghai is the perfect place for closing big deals. So it’s no wonder that buying and selling new construction equipment is nowhere easier in the Asian market.

Managing Director Eugen Egetenmeir talks regularly with many key players of the industry – and he knows what the current trends in the construction equipment industry are.

Regardless if the economy is booming or facing a downturn: bauma China always guarantees continuous growth. And so it’s hardly surprising that the top players of the construction industry come to Shanghai to show their newest machines and innovations for the first time to the public.

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