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Bauer BG ValueLine Drilling Rigs & GB Grab Carrier - bauma China 2014

27.11.2014 - Shanghai/China. Four decades of building machines - and still down to earth: Bauer is a world renowned leader in foundation engineering. Based in Schrobenhausen, Germany, Bauer is present in the Chinese market since 1992. With two facilities in Shanghai and Tianjin, Bauer can quickly respond to the demands of their Asian customers.

bauma China 2014 is a welcome opportunity for Bauer to showcase their newest hydraulic rotary drill rigs. The BG 26 and BG 38 ValueLine are both manufactured in the Chinese facility in Tianjin. Mounted on the base carrier BS 80, the BG 38 is so far Bauer's largest ValueLine drilling rig. With a maximum torque of 380 kNm, even the hardest drilling jobs are easy on hand. The BG 38 ValueLine is specially optimized for the Kelly drilling method. The Bauer V-kinematic system with two backstay cylinders guarantees high stability. The mast carries the Kelly bar, the KDK rotary drive and the drilling tool. The multi gear drive offers four selectable modes of operations. Therefore it can be adjusted to various soil conditions.

At bauma China 2014, Bauer also introduces the BG 26. From the outside, it almost looks like its predecessor, the BG 25. But the new hydraulic system gives the drilling rig a much better performance. It has the capacity of constructing 2.2 metres boreholes to a depth of 65.4 metres. Both the BG 26 and the BG 38 are part of Bauer's ValueLine series, an answer to the price sensitive Asian market.

Apart from rotary drill rigs, Bauer is also renowned for hydraulic grab carriers. Showcased at bauma China are the GB 46 and GB 60. Both carriers are equipped with the DHG hydraulic grab. It has been specially engineered for diaphragm wall construction. The heavy duty grab is rope suspended and hydraulically operated. The grab is lifted by two perfectly synchronized winches with a combined hoisting force of 600 kN. A cyclinder inside the base body allows an opening and closing time of 6 to 10 seconds. Multiple grabbing at the trench bottom makes high excavation rates possible, even in very dense soil strata.

For even tougher working conditions, Bauer offers another solution, based on 30 years of Cutter experience.

Machinery engineering with German quality standards. Continuity for decades. And a service network with local contacts in over 70 countries.

This combination put Bauer into the position of a global leader in specialist underground engineering equipment.

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