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Bilfinger Berger - 25 Years of Success (1997)

An array of personalities and leading figures from all over the country and abroad gather together to celebrate 25 years of Julius Berger Nigeria.The success story takes us on a colorful and informative journey through the company’s development beginning in the bustling former capital Largos: Julius Berger Nigeria Ltd, founded in 1970, soon teams up with its German counterpart in a joint effort to conquer Largos’ threatening traffic gridlock.Large-scale infrastructure development, including multi-lane stretches of elevated roads and numerous bridges, earns the company and its soccer team the catchy name ‘The Bridge Boys’. Julius Berger Nigeria expands in leaps and bounds; alongside challenging bridge structures under difficult soil conditions, major projects include turnkey port facilities and container terminals, steel plants and rolling mills, embankment dams for agricultural purposes or drinking-water facilities and pipelines for the oil and gas industry.The new capital of Abuja gives rise to ever more sophisticated solutions. Be it the transport infrastructure, telecommunications, housing and office space or the airport terminal, Julius Berger Nigeria continues to play an instrumental role in the country’s development. 

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