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Bauforum24 TV presents: JLG 24RS Telescopic Boom Lift - BC India 2014

The JLG 24RS telescopic boom lift has a horizontal outreach of 17.8 meters and offers a maximum platform height of 24.50 meters

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Video: JLG 24RS Telescopic Boom Lift - BC India 2014

17.12.2014 - Greater Noida/Delhi. JLG is a world renowned manufacturer of telescopic boom lifts. At bC India 2014, JLG shows their current product range. The highlight is the RS24, designed specifically for the Asian market.

Watch now our video: JLG 24RS Telescopic Boom Lift - BC India 2014


Suchwörter Tags:
JLG, 24RS, Boom Lift, Telescopic Boom, Working Platform, Hebebühne, Arbeitsbühne, Plattform, Greater Noida, Delhi, Interview, David Border, BC India 2014

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