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Bauforum24 TV presents: Terex Genie SX-180 Telescopic Boom - Bauma China 2014

Genie is a specialist for telescopic working platforms. With a vertical reach of 180 ft (54.9 m) the SX-180 is Genie's highest boom lift

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Video: Terex Genie SX-180 Telescopic Boom - Bauma China 2014

27.11.2014 - Shanghai. The SX-180 is Genie?s highest reaching self-propelled telescopic boom lift. It features a working envelope with a vertical reach of 54.9 meters. The drive is enabled even at full height. The maximum horizontal outreach is 24.4 m, which spans the complete length of a tennis court. And thanks to its telescopic undercarriage, the SX-180 can be easily transported to the working site on a standard trailer.

Watch now our video: Terex Genie SX-180 Telescopic Boom - Bauma China 2014


Suchwörter Tags:
Terex, Genie, SX-180, SX 180, Boom Lift, Telescopic Boom, Hubbühne, Arbeitsbühne, China, Interview, Gary Eglin, Bauma China 2014

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