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...so steht's in der November-Ausgabe von International Cranes.

Ich zitiere aus obengenannter Zeitschrift:

"IC can exclusively reveal that Liebherr in Germany is planning to build a new 1,000 tonne capacity telescopic wheeled mobile crane. Liebherr - Werk Ehingen engineering director, Dr Ulrich Hamme, explained to IC that the new crane will have a nine-axle carrier and a 60 m telescopic main boom that can be fitted with the Y-Guy capacity enhancement system. Target markets include wind turbine erection and maintenance and industrial applications. The new model will extend upwards the range of wheeled telescopics from the 800 tonne capacity LTM 1800. Some buyers of the LTM 1800 have added a derrick system and market the crane as a 1,000 tonner."

Das widerlegt Gerüchte, wonach der neue 1000-Tonner auf dem achtachsigen Chassis des LG 1750 basieren soll.

Man darf gespannt sein.

Gruss aus der Schweiz


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