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Hello Adrian,

welcome to the Forum. 🙂

I can take pictures again, but your drawings need an Explanation 

especially for Beginners :bauforum:




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Hallo Ralf,

I come back with some explanations, from the information I have: D, much more information is owned by those who make static, a German company.

Picture 1- Unteregeschoss: In this plan is to be a hole in the wall that is left to be able to enter with tools inside the building (in the area there will be a gymnasium) in order to be able to mount certain metal elements later. It will be reinforced and concrete after the completion of the works and for this it was necessary to reinforce LENTON plugs.

Picture 2-Unteregeschoss: On this wall a network of metal beams will rest on top of the sports halls. as you can see in the walls there are some metal parts that required a more special reinforcement and in Pos 6.1.-1.53 a diagonal of concrete because at 1.OG it will be a console (see 3D image)

Picture 3-Unteregeschoss: Plan of columns, most are in the garage area, they take very large loads, some are composed (HEA-HEB profile and concrete) - Concrete class (C30 / 37 ... C50 / 60) - and others will it had metal parts installed in their "head". Due to the high percentage of reinforcement, Lenton plugs are required.

In picture 5 you can see the reinforcement of the beams and in picture 6 a part of the plate reinforcement from the UG.

FU- https://imgur.com/7gdpslX

UG- https://imgur.com/fFTHzrB

Sorry for my bad english and I hope you can understand some of the above :). (I make a parenthesis because I saw that in the forum and Viktoria Karree Bochum - the reinforcement part - is also made by the company I work for - the foundation reinforcement is ready and we are waiting for pictures like fitting the reinforcement :D)

Have a nice day,





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