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Yes sure, it can be various reasons, what the problem is.

It can be a loose cable, or the contractor itself has the problem.

Mesure the contractor and you can see,.if the electricity goes through the contractor, when you push it.

Or remove the contractor and you can check out, if is something wrong.

  • 4 months later...

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Hey Torsten, 

Sorry for reaching out to you in this post but I could't find any other way to contact you.

We have a Liebherr 33k and we've recently bought a new hoisting wire rope to replace the old one. 


Could you share with us any information how to start it or what is the exact procedure, because we don't want to make any mistake or brake anything.


It would be fine if we could reach you through e-mail if it's possible at all, if not then it's fine too.


Best regards,



Hello Kristof,

change the hoist rope isn't that difficult. You have to bring the hook down to the ground. Than you have to prepare the crane, if you want to dismantle the crane

and bring the jib down to the point, that the top of the jib is almost on the ground.

Than you have to unwind the rope from the winch, Than you connect the old rope with the new rope. For this you need a special tool to connect the two ropes. Look on the internet. Normally any manufacturer of wire ropes offer this connector. Save the two ends with electrical tape, if they are in the connector. That is very importend.

Than pull on the rope carefully until the end is through the trolley and through the hook an on the end of the jib. 

Than disconnect the two ends and put the new end on the jib. Bring the jib back in the upright position. And always mind on the new rope that it upwind from the wooden winch. If the crane is upright, than connect the other end on the winch. Set the limit switch and that's it.

But, if you are not sure with all that, let's make it from an expert.


Thanks a lot ! 

So from the wooden winch I connect the other end of the rope because it's rolled up inverse ? 


Setting the limit switch is difficult or it can be made by us ? 

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