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Taiyuan Heavy Industry Company Limited (TZ is their trademark) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Taizhong Group in China that began producing a 4m3 cable shovel in the 1960s and quickly progressed in size. to a 10-12m3 machine. Opinions are varied about when the P&H connection began, but at some point in the '70-80s, there was some kind of licensing or purchasing of the tapered boom/twin-leg dipper design that is seen in all of their large shovels since then. Their current WK-75 is rated at 135t and bucket capacity of up to 100m3 which exceeds the preliminary specification of the (upcoming?) Komatsu 4800XPC. This is the only large-format photo of a dual-badged shovel I have found until today.


bearbeitet von shovelman

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The WK-75 referred to in my previous post is the largest conventional mining shovel in the world! 


bearbeitet von shovelman
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