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42 minutes ago, Japan-Bagger said:

Hi Shovelman. Are you sure JD wants to show earth moving equipment and not only Wirtgen products which are now carrying the JD brand name sticker / label? Havn't found any news about earth moving machinery to be exhibited. Would not make too much sense since they do not offer earth moving euipment in any EU 27 country yet.


Yes, I am sure. Please see the attached image from the Wirtgen Group website? My personal opinion is that the machines will be on display only to gauge possible interest, and for Deere to "make a statement" about purchasing Wirtgen.


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vor einer Stunde, shovelman schrieb:


Yes, I am sure. Please see the attached image from the Wirtgen Group website? My personal opinion is that the machines will be on display only to gauge possible interest, and for Deere to "make a statement" about purchasing Wirtgen.


What about the smaller Deere wheel loaders? Aren´t they still supplied by Liebherr?

12 minutes ago, Hydrofix said:

What about the smaller Deere wheel loaders? Aren´t they still supplied by Liebherr?

Yes, you are correct. The 5 smallest wheel loaders are supplied by Liebherr and fitted with John Deere engines. 

JD 204L = L506 Compact

JD 244L = L507 Stereo

JD 304L = L508 Compact

JD 324L = L509 Stereo

JD 344L = L514 Stereo

  • 2 months later...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Does anybody know something about the JD 944 K Hybrid Wheel loader? :bauforum:

I am very much Looking forward to it on Bauma.


bearbeitet von Inter85

Hello Inter85

The 944K is very sucessfull in the US and the marketshare is around 20%. in the 50to size.  The development startet around 2010 and i think it will not be so

successfull in Europe bcause we have not so much experience in electric loaders or trucks.

The fuel consumtion is nearly the best in the size.

Best Regards


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