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John Deere stehlt zum ersten Mal in Europa seine Baumaschinen auf den Wirtgen Stand auf der Bauma 2019 aus.

Es werden unter anderem Kettenbagger Raupen Dumper und Grader ausgestellt. Sind die Kettenbagger nicht von Hitachi ?

Und die Dumper nicht von Bell ? 

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Hello O&K RH PLUS,

Yes; for the first time since the 1970s, John Deere will be at the bauma with earthmoving equipment. It should be noted however that in recent years they have sold their Chinese produced crawler excavators and wheel loaders in Russia and other parts of eastern Europe.

John Deere hydraulic excavators are Hitachi designs, but many mid-size models have a Deere engine instead of an Isuzu.

John Deere used to sell Bell ADTs under their name, but that agreement ended in 2012 and since then they have been Deere designs.


The agreement between Liebherr and Deere for large dozers ended in 2008 and the agreement for crawler loaders ended in 2010.


Hi Shovelman. Are you sure that JD will show earth moving equipment and not only Wirtgen products which now are carrying also the JD brand name sticker/label? Havn’t  found any news about earth moving machinery to be exhibited. Would also not make too much sense since they do not offer earth moving euipment in any EU 27 country yet.

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