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12 hours ago, Clark-Lima-2505 said:

wow, thanks for the pictures ...  : Wub:

That is very nice to read. I appreciate you and all the other forum members who have taken a moment to click a like or comment on something posted. It encourages me to find and post more. Since the R 9200 is popular, here's another one.

Assmang in South Africa


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On 3.7.2019 at 02:46, shovelman schrieb:

That is very nice to read. I appreciate you and all the other forum members who have taken a moment to click a like or comment on something posted. It encourages me to find and post more. Since the R 9200 is popular, here's another one.

Assmang in South Africa


0 (9).jpg

Also very interessting here is one of the first T236 trucks.

  • 3 weeks later...

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