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Habe eine Werbeanzeige von einem DRMCo Grader gefunden:

Und hier sind noch weitere zu sehen vom Typ 740 A:

Weiß jemand etwas über diesen Hersteller? Die Typenbezeichnung 740 A kommt mir bekannt vor, müssten von Champion sein. Evtl. hat Champion die Firma mal übernommen oder so.

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Hello Graderfan ,

Yes it is Champion graders , Champion have in that time two grader factorys , one in Canada for the bigger graders , and one in the USA for the smaller graders . When Volvo take over the graders from Champion both grader lines where sold under the Volvo brand name , after a while Volvo sold back the small grader line to Champion who made the smaller graders until now , but in that agreement Champion may not build graders above 12 ton of 100 kW . Champion build also on this moment graders for LeeBoy , the types for LeeBoy are even in the Champion line , but LeeBoy sel those types in the USA , and Champion further outside the USA . So you can see the same models under two brand names .

Greetings ,

Roel .
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Graderfan ,

I most make a correction about the Champion graders , before the name Champion it was DRMCo , ( Dominion Road Machinery Co ) later Champion . The American Champion was from Gary And Brian Abernathy who was an contractor in need of a hydraustatic grader and build it for himselfs , later Champion takeover the graders from Gary and his son Brian and when Volvo aquired Champion it was the both factories in Canada and America , a few years later Volvo saled the American Champion back to the Abernathy,s with the richt of the Champion name . Before Champion takeover the grader line of the Abernathy,s the name of the grader was Lee from Lee industries , not the same as LeeBoy , but now se building graders for LeeBoy . If i have the whole story that takes a lot of time , the name,s of the Champion changed many times .

Roel .



  • 3 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Habe einige Bilder von einem DRMCo Grader zugeschickt bekommen zum zeigen. Darunter sind auch interessante Detailaufnahmen vom Drehkranz/Schar zu sehen:



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