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O&K Grader

Super Roel

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I have a few bad copys of O&K graders , one is a all wheel steer and all wheel drive like the Austin-Western graders and one All wheel drive 20 tons grader and a 15 tons grader from 1951 . The copy,s are in a bad condition but i never saw this on the web , i have this for years and i will share this with you .

Greetings ,

Roel .




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Can you change the title in "the first O&K graders"? I think this calls it better smile.gif

Interesting to see, how the first O&K graders look and they are very heave with 15 and 20 tons.

Ich dachte immer, dass EH die ersten Grader-Typen von O&K waren.
Wüsste mal gerne die Typen-Bezeichung von diesen.

Hier sind auch ältere O&K Grader zu sehen:

Die ersten Aufnahmen sind dann die älteren Version und die letzten dann die EH-Versionen.

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I am sorry but i have no type,s from this graders , what i know is only the 15 tons machine is 95 PS with a Voith transmission and the blade is 3,8 m normal is for graders the blade in foot only this one not .

Greetings ,

Roel .
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