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The Green withe grader is a Faun F 205 from the company Schagen from Zwolle The Netherlands .

Roel .

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During my working time i have worked with several Frisch graders , my first was a 4 years old F 75 in 1969 , then a F 115 and in 1973 a brand new F 115 in 1973 , and in 1974 a brand new F 185 C and i think it was the last Frisch grader , i was waiting on the Belgien border for the delivery of the grader but he didn come so my boss called the Frisch factory and he said deliver of i cancelled the grader , then the grader most come from Italie back to the factory spray him in our company color and a week later the grader came to Belgien . From the F 115 P and the F 185 C i have a photo in company color i will post and the photo from the F 75 i have from Huub van Dijk .(www.bouwmachinesvantoen) The photo from the F 115 P was during a show by the Dutch Frisch dealer .

Greetings ,

Roel .




  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
This one is sales by Ritchie Brothers in Moerdijk The Netherlands .

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