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I have a couple of foto,s of my old O&K f156 A , the first coming in to holland the other wen i got to work with him . The frontblade is now 3 meter and the ripper has 11 theet and there are bigger tyres .

Greetings Roel .



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Interesting rebuild with the bigger tyres, so a wider front blade is need smile.gif Which width has the regular version from F 156A?
The wide tyres are better for loose materials like sand or so I think.
The normal tyres are 17,5x25 and i did for working in sand and for wet conditions and the machines was more powerful .Roel .

The normal tyres are 17,5x25 and i did for working in sand and for wet conditions and the machines was more powerful .Roel .

Thanks for the info smile.gif When the machine are more powerful and better to use in wet conditions, I wonder, that the manufacturers don't use always those bigger tryes for their graders.

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