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Hello, i search information about atlas 1602, baujare 1973. Wheelkrane
Technical info, exploded views , adjustment info ,garage handbooks, and do's and don't.
Can anyone help me?

Sorry about the english,i can read German,but can't type it.

Grus, tonnis wolters from holland.

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I think, there you can get help

Thanks Hans,
you helped me alot,
but i can't get 0.5 bar on the hydroil tank.there is no pressure,ive checked the druck minderventil by the oiltank, and a druck regulator under the cabin, underneath the battery holder. On the schema there is a 3rd druk minderventil,but i can't find it.
Pressure on the airtank is 5.8 bar.
Any idea?

Gruse tonnis wolters

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