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Hi, C,

No I think you will find that the lorry in the first photo was a Scammel which might of been part of the Leyland group but I am not sure, the lorry in the second picture was a 10ton Leyland Clydesdale.

I don't have any other pics of lorrys ...that I am aware of huh.gif


Nick top.gif

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Thanks Nick smile.gif

...Scammel which might of been part of the Leyland group but I am not sure
Yes, you're rigth, Nick. Scammel was part of the Leyland Group since 1955. After the assumption of Leyland by DAF in 1988 the production of Scammel ended.
  • 3 weeks later...

diese gepflegte cat 951C tut immer noch brav ihren dienst âuf einer deponie

gruss remo


  • 1 month later...

auch diese 955K ist noch immer wacker am arbeiten!

sieht doch sehr schön aus mit dem grossen stein in der schaufel!

gruss remo



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