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QUOTE(jeff @ 09.10.07 - 21:47)

Braud-et-Faucheux was one of the french crane manufacturers during 50's and 60's years : Estève, Michel-Frères, Ponton...

Hello Jeff,

I know Braud-Faucheux and Michel, but what was a Ponton crane like?? Do You have any photos?? smile.gif

Greetings from Budapest,

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QUOTE(czimbuli @ 10.10.07 - 00:16)

Hello Jeff,

I know Braud-Faucheux and Michel, but what was a Ponton crane like?? Do You have any photos?? smile.gif

Greetings from Budapest,

Hello Czimbull,

Ponton was a french manufacturer during the 60's and was located in south-east of France, department of Bouches-du-Rhône, as far as I can remember. It produced small fast-erecting cranes.

Here are two (very bad wacko.gifwacko.gifwacko.gif ) photos of a Ponton. There are still five of this cranes in my area (Rodez, south France), but it seems only one is still in use. I shall try to post fine photos of these cranes as soon as possible.




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