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top.gif Super neuheit von Liebherr top.gif

Im Latest fast-erecting crane 65K from Liebherr production line will be first introduced at Intermat 2012 exhibition in Paris. It is based on the successful concept of the Liebherr 81K, which have combined determining trends in performance, reliability, safety, and in design.

The carrying capacity of 1,400 kg at 40m places Lebherr 65K on the top in its category, and has a maximum load capacity of 4500 kg.

Bron: Kranimex.
Grusse Jerno!


bearbeitet von Jerno

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Gast stephan1964

top.gif Super neuheit von Liebherr top.gif
Im Latest fast-erecting crane 65K from Liebherr production line will be first introduced at Intermat 2012 exhibition in Paris. It is based on the successful concept of the Liebherr 81K, which have combined determining trends in performance, reliability, safety, and in design.

The carrying capacity of 1,400 kg at 40m places Lebherr 65K on the top in its category, and has a maximum load capacity of 4500 kg.
Bron: Kranimex.
Grusse Jerno!

Hi Jerno - wie cool! Vom 65K hab ich auch schon gehört kreisch.gif

Liebherr wird doch nicht endlich mal eine konsequente Linie bei Konstruktion und Design durchziehen whistling.gif

Wenns neue Infos gibt, bitte sofort her damit rolleyes.gif
Schön das Liebherr wieder einen neuen Untendreher entwickelt!! Bin mal gespannt... kreisch.gif
Na dann sollen se da auch mal gleich en 1:50 Modell zu packen biggrin.gif
aber sieht gut aus das Teil smile.gif
  • 2 months later...

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