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Exodus Machines Inc. is located in Superior, WI. This is video of our first machine, the MX447L, being built right here in the United States. The MX447L is a premier purpose-built scrap handler. Every one of our scrap handlers are designed and built right here in Wisconsin. Video of the NEW Exodus MX447 HDR. Weight: 111,000 lbs. The HDR has 11,200 lbs of lift capacity @ 55' out 10' above the ground (ISO 10567; 75% stability & 87% of hydraulic capability). It has 64' of vertical reach. It stacks piles high and it has a very fast cycle time because all of our machines have a closed-loop swing circuit hydraulic system. The HDR is powered by a John Deere 9.0L engine, 5.5 gph, 275hp @ 2000rpm. Exodus is located in Superior, Wisconsin.


bearbeitet von Michael Jahn

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