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HELP!CATERPILLAR 666 Scraper Sales brochures & Specsheet WANTED!

Who can help me with more background information or [PDF] sales brochures, specsheets and 1:1 pictures from the CATERPILLAR 666 Scraper?

So please help and share all the information you can find in your archives.

Wer kan mir hilfen mit Prospekte und Verkauf Blatter von der CATERPILLAR 666 Scraper
Achtung: Ich suche nur in die ENGLISCHE Sprache.

Bitte senden Sie mir ein PN!


[Picture owned and from CCM website]


bearbeitet von Kwabbus

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HELP! CATERPILLAR 666 Scraper Sales brochures & Specsheet WANTED!

There must be some collector out there who can help me??!


For those among you who hesitate or are not sure what I'm looking for? Thanks Ad for your first picture!!



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HELP! CATERPILLAR 666 Scraper Sales brochures & Specsheet WANTED

Greg, Graham and Ad many thanks for the pictures and PDF files you have sended me.

Very glad with this help. Now its just time to wait for the scale model to pop up!!

[If someone has an original brochure I'm still interested]

Thanks again Wouter


bearbeitet von Kwabbus

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