shovelman 1.423 Geschrieben 9. Juni 2017 Geschrieben 9. Juni 2017 Julija, Sorry about that. I forgot to check the camera settings before taking the photo. Here is another photo taken at my camera's maximum resolution. Hopefully it will be better than the original? I will also send the photo by e-mail. When I purchased my new computer last year, my printer and scanner were too old to work with it. I can always have a friend scan it for me at even higher resolution if you need it. 'All the best, John Zitieren
Gast reisszahn Geschrieben 10. Juni 2017 Geschrieben 10. Juni 2017 Thank you very much, John. I sent a email to you a few minutes ago, but the resolution of this photo is great! You did a great favour to me. Thank you for your work and kind regards, Julija Zitieren
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