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Hello, i need a part of the EUROCAT 200 LSE excavator

i need the Electronic box which drives de electrovalvules with the electrical signals from the controls knobs

Does anyone know someone who have it?

i don´t have the box so if anybody give me the reference of the box and/or the manufacturer (i think DANFOSS but not sure) it can help me very much

I´m from Spain, sorry for not speaking german

Thank you

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I send they a lot of mails times ago whit no response.

talking about something else, what happens to EUROCAT?

I think the company disappear or get absorved but, they don´t provide spare parts yet?

I think it was just a "European Distributor Brand" of some Chinese Excavator Company


i think the manufacturer is Hainzl- Öswag. I am not sure but i think it
was built in Austria.

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