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Europas größte Bau & Baumaschinen Community - Mitglieder: 37.173

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Dear members,

I am trying to plan my first ever trip to the Bauma Fair, and I am wondering if someone from the forum could offer me and my partner some good local knowledge on the best place to get a hotel near to the venue at a resonable price?

Any advice greatly received top.gif

Thank you


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There is a list with hotels on the bauma website.
But if I where You,I would search for a hotel in a smaller town or village nearby Munich that has a metro railway station.
Munich itself is rather expensive especially when it´s exposition time.

And You should have good footwear.The bauma expo area is huge.


Hi Janh,

Many thanks for your helpful advice, we will look into the option of staying in a nearby village i think. top.gif

Many Thanks

Nick wave.gif
Dear members,

Could any of you advise on village names near to Munich that I may look at ?

Thank you

Nick top.gif

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