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Potain Obendreher


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Hier mal ein anderer Potain vom Berliner Vermieter BANZHAF mit Skandinavien Kabine. Der steht für Köster
unter den Linden/Friedrichstr. Da stehen auch noch ein E 10/14C, ein MDT 132 und nen F 15/15C





bearbeitet von Beat
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Hello all POTAIN fans ! wave.gif

I wish you an happy new year 2008 .. klatsch.gifklatsch.gif
During my holidays , lots of other POTAIN have been installed all around Paris .
Unfortunately , i was ill and i wasn't able to take pictures of all the POTAIN . mad_red.gif
In a nutshell , i'm very late . unsure.gifunsure.gif
In addition to that , i wasn't able to prepare all pictures taken since May 2007 .

So i'm very very very late . sad.gif

Here are several pictures taken in 1998 and 1999 . I was young and i started taking pictures of POTAIN tower cranes . These pictures were my first pictures . biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif
The quality is not good enough ...
I'm very confused .

But the other which will come , will be great .

My first picture :

POTAIN K30 40C and POTAIN H30 30C building a dam ( Morocco ) yes.gif


My second picture of the day : top.gif

POTAIN H30 30C building another dam in Morocco ( 1998 )


bearbeitet von johannes
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And my last picture of the day :

POTAIN K5 50C working in ANGERS ( or TOURS ) to build a great center .

On this building , you had two POTAIN K5 50C and one POTAIN K30 40C .


Other picture of this building site will come ..

Bye bye bye !!! wave.gif


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Hello all POTAIN fans !! wave.gif

So here are other pictures of the buiding site .

The three POTAIN didn't build a great center in Angers or Tours but in ANGOULEME .

It's a great center called " LE CHAMPS DE MARS " , built by SPIE BATIGNOLLES yes.gif


bearbeitet von Beat
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