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Hello all POTAIN fans !!! wave.gif wave.gif wave.gif

I spend long summer holidays . During , June , July , August and September month , i took lots of pictures of old POTAIN tower cranes models .
Now , i took 800 pictures for these french cranes . kreisch.gif kreisch.gif kreisch.gif

I'm so happy !!

My new shool ( ESTP in Paris ) is in Paris and in the south of Paris . Besides , i see lots of cities near from Paris and in a nutshell , i can see lots of cranes .. It's very exciting !!!

Each day , i try to search old POTAIN and BPR-CADILLON tower cranes everywhere .
In addition to that , lots of great projects will start this year and so lots of old POTAIN .....

I will try to dowload in this forum all my pictures ... shades.gif shades.gif shades.gif

Bye bye bye wink.gif wink.gif

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Hello WEITZ and all POTAIN fans !!! klatsch.gif klatsch.gif

Unfortunately , for the moment , i can't download all my pictures because i have no time for the moment and i haven't the good software to reduce my sizes pictures ( extremely big ) . sleeping.gif sleeping.gif

This week , i have taken pictures about 10 new old POTAIN kreisch.gif kreisch.gif kreisch.gif

It's exciting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bye bye bye !!! wave.gif wave.gif wave.gif wave.gif
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hello all POTAIN fans !

In order to upload my pictures ( about 300 for the moment + 600 other pictures which will come soon ) in this forum ,
do you know a free software which can reduce the pictures sizes ?

Not far from at home , lots of old POTAIN tower cranes are going to be installed ... I'm very happy ...

Bye bye wave.gif wave.gif wave.gif wave.gif
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