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Potain Obendreher


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QUOTE(bachysoletanche @ 02.07.07 - 19:06)

And my last picture ..

this picture shows you two tower crane ; one POTAIN and one BPR-CADILLON whistling.gif kreisch.gif kreisch.gif kreisch.gif kreisch.gif kreisch.gif kreisch.gif

Could somebody give me the number of the two crane ? eusa_think.gif
Bye bye bye ! wave.gif wave.gif

The number of these cranes ? You mean "the models" ? I think the BPR is a 431 or a 446, and the Potain is a model from the first generation of the Topkit range (example : F2-23 or F3-29)

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another picture of TGV MEDITERRANEE ..

Picture showing you lots of POTAIN ( POTAIN K30 30C , POTAIN H20 14C , POTAIN H30 30C ) of french firms BOUYGUES CONSTRUCTION , GTM , EI-GCC working in the construction of double AVIGNON viaduct

(picture taken in April 1998 )
I wanted to have a great picture but there were lots of wind and the quality of the picture is no good ..

I hope you will be happy , seeing this picture ! klatsch.gifklatsch.gifklatsch.gifklatsch.gif


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Unfortunately , the picture isn't good ...

Another picture of POTAIN tower cranes from the french firm BOUYGUES CONSTRUCTION klatsch.gifklatsch.gif

picture taken in February 2006 ..


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