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Potain Obendreher


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QUOTE(erkkil @ 01.07.07 - 20:41)

Unbelievable! Never heard anything about this Potain!!! Never seen anything like this!!! But it is definitely a predecessor of 506.

Pls: do you have mode pictures?

greetings, erkki

This type of Potain crane was very popular in France during the 60's. It seems to me they were also 504 or 505 models but I"m not sure. I often saw such Potain cranes when I was a child. The last one in my city was definitely dismantled ten years ago.

Yes, this type is a predecessor of 506, which has a greater jib and counterjib, but the overall aspect is the same.

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I think this is a crane from second generation of Potain cranes.First generation didn`t have double spanned jib which was also more massive and the slewing ring was more similar to the early Pignon cranes.Also the cabin for operators were located on rotating part of the crane after 1962.
Thanks for the photos!


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