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Potain Obendreher


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Unbelievable! Never heard anything about this Potain!!! Never seen anything like this!!! But it is definitely a predecessor of 506.

Pls: do you have mode pictures?

greetings, erkki
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Yes I have some more pictures. I'll post them. The crane is located about 300 km distance from Karlsruhe in Germany. The owner is a friendly old man, he allowed me to stroll around on his ground and to take the pictures. So I could imagine, the machine would easily to be bought from him. But the transport might be the big issue as the distance is quite long, unfortunatelly. Even worse, I don't know, when the scrapping shall begin, maybe quite soon? However, I also assume, it is one of the very early Potain top-slewing crances and probably well worth being preserved.
Now the pics:


bearbeitet von roadix
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