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Potain Obendreher


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Hello POTAIN !!

perhaps you don't know me and that you haven't read my topics but i'm going to give you informations about me ..
Passionate persons don't see everywhere on this forum ..

I'm French and i'm student in Paris .I'm 18 years old ...
I write this message because i have a great project , POTAIN TOWER CRANES MODELS IN DIECAST AND IN 1:50 scale .. top.gif

I have been very fond of BPR-CADILLON and POTAIN tower cranes for 13 years . I followed all building constructions ( towers , nuclear power plants ,buildings , bridges ....) in France ..
This passion has been started in 1992 , with an enormous construction site ( 30 POTAIN tower cranes )
Currently , i have 3000 pictures of POTAIN tower cranes , taken between 1980 and 2006 .. whistling.gif

In addition to that , to complete my passion for real POTAIN and BPR CADILLON tower cranes , i would like to achieve one great project .
Because , i have a great dream since my childhood : MAKING ALL POTAIN and BPR-CADILLON tower cranes produced since 1977 . smile.gif

Besides , i have been able to see that you were very fond of POTAIN tower cranes and perhaps you have'nt read my topic "my great project of POTAIN tower cranes in 1:50 scale " ... wacko.gif

Unfortunately , i haven't enough experience to make detailed tower cranes models for the moment .

To find a solution , i have thought that i was able to ask to firms , producing reduced models .
But the making price for one model is very expensive and i haven't the financial means for that . sad.gif

In a nutshell , i had to find another solution .

Several days after , i found an exciting announcement : POTAIN MDT 178 in 1:50 scale

After , i have tried to seek pictures of this new model and somebody gave it to me ...
I have analyzed the model and : very astonishing , very exciting , wonderful , amazing !!!!

I have discovered that TWH COLLECTIBLES made this model .

Then , i have the good idea : my project could be come on top of this production . komatsu:
In addition , TWH collectibles is licensied by MANITOWOC CRANE GROUP to produce reduced models in diecast of their real models with an extremely details level ...

A sales manager of TWH answered me and said me :
" A project have a price between 15 000 EUROS AND 20000 EUROS ( for the prototype and the details level ) "
This character is become a good friend ..

I have phoned to POTAIN and they said me the same thing .
the marketing managor is also become a good friend ...

In a nutshell , we can't count on POTAIN in order that TWH COLLECTIBLES makes old POTAIN models ..

I was very disappointed ; i can't fund one project because of one project price ..For the moment , i have no jobs ..

But in a second time , another idea has grown up :

WE ARE LOTS OF PASSIONATE PERSONS FOR TOWER CRANES , all over the world .. kreisch.gif

So , I COULD COLLECT FUNDS CLOSE TO PASSIONATE PERSONS FOR POTAIN TOWER CRANES ( each persons could give 10 or 15 euros for one project ) ;
after , i WOULD GIVE THE FUNDS TO TWH COLLECTIBLES and i WOULD GIVE THEM ONE POTAIN OR ONE BPR-CADILLON MODEL and then , they would ask to POTAIN detailed drawings for 3D conceptions , after they would produce one prototype of this model and myself with POTAIN , WE WOULD VERIFY DETAILS LEVEL ...
And to finish , they produce the models .. ohmy.gif

Besides , it would need to be lots of passionate persons IN ORDER TO REDUCE ONE MODEL PRICE , EVEN WITH AN EXTREMELY HIGH DETAILS LEVEL .
If we are 10000 persons , it would be very good because the price for each model , will be very reduced ( perhaps between 200 and 250 EUROS WITH SAME POTAIN MDT 178 HIGH DETAILS LEVEL ) ... klatsch.gif

But i must to talk with my TWH friend to ask him for the quantities and the price for each model ...
For the moment , he's very busy and he can't answer me . So , i must except September month ..

For the moment , it's an idea . If you want them to produce old POTAIN and BPR-CADILLON models , it's the only way . POTAIN doesn't want to give detailed drawings to passionate persons like me , in order to protect his models .. yes.gif

THERE WOULD BE ONE PROJECT BY THREE YEARS ( for one model , you have several cabins , several sizes jibs , several masts , several sheme colours ...)

I have spoken with french friends and we have the following idea :

to explain our project , and to receive funds , it WOULD BE NECESSARY TO CREATE AN ASSOCIATION where all passionate persons (german , french , english ....) could come up like members to take part in the project . klatsch.gif

What do you think about that ?

Talk about that with other passionate persons ....

If you want to discuss about that with me , you can send me messages to the two followings addresses :


I wish you a good week !!!
Best regards !! wave.gif wave.gif
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