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Gast windfrei
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
it´s a 427 ! the 506 has its slewing drive inside.

maybe the placard is simply wrong, the answer can give a photo of the winch, (PC or else!) bearbeitet von Beat

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maybe the placard is simply wrong, the answer can give a photo of the winch, (PC or else!)

Ah... this will explain, why ist looks pretty similar to a 427... wacko.gif
Unfortunatelly I do not have other pictures, all I have are posted. The crane is located on a closed factory area, I had no closer access.
@jeff: Maybe you can help as it is located close to your home?
About the discussion on 427/428 and 506.

I've noted the rectangular counterweight blocks on 427D and first version of 506D6 (with two tie-bars). This was typical on Potain tower cranes whose maximum loading capacities is 2 ton. The counterweight blocks are not broader than the counterjib width.

The counterweight blocks are broader under the counterjib on 427 post-D models, 428 and 429 (I don't know if there was a version on 429 like previous ones of 427 and 428. All 429 I've seen have the cab added to the mast section above the slewing ring, like last versions of 427 and 428).

About the green Potain crane in Colomiers (western suburb of Toulouse, France) on roadix photos... well, without watching the load board, I would have say : "it's a 427 or a 428, not a 506"

The load board says : 2 ton at 16,4 meter ; 0,850 ton at 30 meter. This values are closed to 427D ones : 2 ton at 16,4 meter ; 1 ton at 30 meter. But the counterweight blocks let me think this crane can be a 427 post-D or a 428 x model, with a maximum loading of 3 ton. This green crane has a 30 meter jib on the photo, but 36 meter jib cranes like some 427 and 428 can be in 30 meter jib configuration. So, if it would be a 427 or a 428, this mean its load board is wrong. This sometimes happens ! I've yet seen a Cadillon with a Potain board, and a BPR with a Potain board, too... kreisch.gif

I shall go to the location of this crane and I shall try to know more about it.
Gast windfrei
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
@jeff...I sometimes also fixed the wrong board on a crane. They send us the wrong one and we have to get ready with the erection. Regardless most of todays workers from elswhere on the construction site aren´t able to understand the info of the board or simply ignore it anyway...the overload switch/horn will do it soon...cruel but true sometimes also here in Germany. shades.gif bearbeitet von windfrei

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