Graderfan 7.604 Geschrieben 15. Juli 2014 Geschrieben 15. Juli 2014 Hier sind Bilder von einem älteren Caterpillar Grader zu sehen: Angaben ist die Typenbezeichnung 9T, aber die ist mir bei Caterpillar unbekannt. Evtl. ist es eine Zusatzbezeichnung für einen älteren Cat 12? Zitieren
Graderfan 7.604 Geschrieben 2. August 2014 Geschrieben 2. August 2014 Von Caterpillar gibt es auch eine K-Typen-Serie: nehme mal an, dass diese K-Serie für bestimmte Länder hergestellt wird, weiß jemand welche? Zitieren
Super Roel 163 Geschrieben 2. August 2014 Geschrieben 2. August 2014 Hi ,The Caterpillar 9 T is a smaller grader as the no 12 . and you can remove the tandems and make him with a single axle . I post a photo of a Cat 9 T single axle .Roel . Zitieren
Graderfan 7.604 Geschrieben 2. August 2014 Geschrieben 2. August 2014 Thanks for the info I have find a single Type 9 in your list, was No 9 it a 2-axle one and the T stands for possible Tandem?Do you know something about the K-types from Caterpillar, when they were built or in which countries? (I think you understand english better than german, but it's hard for me writing in english...) Zitieren
Super Roel 163 Geschrieben 2. August 2014 Geschrieben 2. August 2014 QUOTE(Graderfan @ 02.08.14 - 17:25) ←Thanks for the info I have find a single Type 9 in your list, was No 9 it a 2-axle one and the T stands for possible Tandem?Do you know something about the K-types from Caterpillar, when they were built or in which countries? (I think you understand english better than german, but it's hard for me writing in english...)You may writh in German i understand it , but writhing German is difficult for me . The K serie is build by Caterpillar India and in China i think by SEM who was also building the H 140 and under there own name as the 919 and the 921 .The diverends between the the SEM and the Cat is the engine and the transmission . I see several K 140,s by sales companies in Holland . I think they sale the K in Azie and Africa in Europe the M series .Roel . Zitieren
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