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Hi French 984C
On the topic you give ( http://photostp.free.fr/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=35 ), I didn't change copyright, and image links are direct, I didn't copied pics on my website

But if you, or someone else in your forum, take pictures from Bauforum, it would be nice to say that the pictures are taken from "Bauforum24.biz".
If you have further questions to this problem, you can ask André (Admin).

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Hi French 984C

But if you, or someone else in your forum, take pictures from Bauforum, it would be nice to say that the pictures are taken from "Bauforum24.biz".
If you have further questions to this problem, you can ask André (Admin).

OK I will correct this wink.gif

So in exchange please do the same, for exemple on the topic I cite whistling.gif

For the traffic, OK. I don't know these kinds of problems because my forum is hosted for nothing
So in exchange please do the same, for exemple on the topic I cite 

Could u tell me the correct name of your homepage... then i'll write it unter the picture.

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