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QUOTE(lina357 @ 10.08.09 - 07:59)

My opinion is different:
K-10000 was designed as a bottom slewing hammerhead tower crane for USSR market simply because
that kind of large cranes have been already present on the Soviet market.
I think they just needed something bigger for nuclear power plant construction.

Well, now we have seen a Potain MD22500, too.
The design of a K-10000 and a MD22500 are very similar.

I have two questions:

Why bottom slewing hammerhead cranes?
Who has copied who?

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QUOTE(lina357 @ 15.08.09 - 10:50)

Well, now we have seen a Potain MD22500, too.
The design of a K-10000 and a MD22500 are very similar.

I have two questions:

Why bottom slewing hammerhead cranes?
Who has copied who?

1 As I already quoted Kroll officials stated that 80s K-25000 was intended to be bottom slewing because they had no technical posibility to make it top-slewing. Only an expert in physics could tell us more.
2K-10000 is older than the project for md-22500, so.....
QUOTE(djlivus @ 17.08.09 - 10:53)

1 As I already quoted Kroll officials stated that 80s K-25000 was intended to be bottom slewing because they had no technical posibility to make it top-slewing. Only an expert in physics could tell us more.
2K-10000 is older than the project for md-22500, so.....

Thanks for the informations and nice photos.

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