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Zoomlion claims it to be the strongest available towercrane worldwide ...
But I wonder if their jib here is long enough to reach the length for the other, set (!), record of 240 tons @ 44m...
...and apart from being a simplified Potain construction only on a wider tower than the origin MD ...:
That was easy to construct, since they had all important parameters at hand, and it shows,
at the same time, their lack of experience !
I can`t understand Potain`s philosophy here, by obviously selling their knowledge to China so uncaressingly.
At the end it seems to me, that, again, only money and profit matters. But the result is as always: no better crane.
Just M2C.

@S46: klatsch.gif you are right, most if not all chinesse tower cranes folow the designs from western Europe producers.

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