djlivus 0 Geschrieben 13. Juni 2011 Autor Geschrieben 13. Juni 2011 kroll advertising document reach_from_the_skies_1_.pdf Zitieren
djlivus 0 Geschrieben 13. Juni 2011 Autor Geschrieben 13. Juni 2011 site about history of cranes Zitieren
djlivus 0 Geschrieben 15. Juni 2011 Autor Geschrieben 15. Juni 2011 Yangmao from China has plans for realy big tower cranes up to 10.000tm. They folllow the pattern of well-known european models from kroll, liebherr, potain.Anyway, ST10.000 seems very impressive- 10x10m tower mast and 117m HUH. Total height is likely more than 150m (the crane follow the design of kroll k10.000 wich has 86m HUH, but 124 m height of 8x8 m mast) Many thanks to Mr. Heinz Gert Kessel for this website. Zitieren
djlivus 0 Geschrieben 15. Juni 2011 Autor Geschrieben 15. Juni 2011 A short article about tower cranes history:Steady as she goesThe tower crane market has suffered more thanmost over the past two years, but is finally showingsome signs of life as high rise construction beginsto pick-up some pace in many countries. As thetower crane approaches 100 years of development,we look at the slow but steady progress over theyears and at a few more radical developments -some of which caught on and some which have not -rounded off with a look of some new products andinteresting applications.Tower crane development inrecent years has been moreevolutionary than revolutionary.The last really big - practical -idea to hit the mainstream marketwas probably the advent of the‘flat top’ or ‘topless’ tower crane,which in recent years hasreplaced many small to middlerange classic saddle jib cranes.The flat top’s main advantagesare faster, easier erection due tothe elimination of the top mastand pendants and lower overallheight above the hook. Althoughthe height difference is not quiteas great as many would haveyou believe, for critical overheadheight applications such asairport work every centimetre iscritical so shaving a metre ortwo from the total height ismuch appreciated.However even this developmenthas been more of a trend than aradical breakthrough. Germancompany Ridinger of Mannheimhad ‘the high house crane’ whichused a pole-type tower and whatwas essentially a flat top design asearly as 1958. SGME used a flat topdesign with a combined slidingjib/back jib, but it was Linden thattook it mainstream with its 8000model in the 1970’s. This was latercopied and developed by othershelping the concept really gatherpace over the past 10 years or so.Development of the modern towercrane has been a slow-burn affairthroughout its 100 year history,although Wolffkran, with somejustification, will claim that the100th anniversary celebrations arenot due until 2013. The first towercranes – luffing jib cranes -emerged from companies such asMorris and Bastert in 1910 andJulius Wolff in 1913. The Morriscrane was more of a developmentof the traditional building cranes inuse at the time, which used aheavy-duty scaffold tower with adavit jib fitted to the top to raisestone blocks and other buildingmaterials on the large publicbuildings going up at the time.The Wolff on the other hand, wasfar closer in design and conceptto a modern bottom slewingtower crane.It would seem that the tower cranehas been a critical tool for buildingcontractors for at least 50 years andas such it is not something they areprepared to risk ‘messing with’ byadopting changes or developmentsthat are too radical. Hence the slowbut steady improvement rather thanthe step changes we have seen inthe mobile crane world over theyears. So while the modern towercrane is a completely differentanimal from those built just 20years ago, its basic design concepthas hardly changed at all, perhapsbecause the original concept wasright in the beginning. It alsoexplains how 25 and 30 year oldunits are still accepted on manyhigh-profile job sites.A detailed history of tower cranes with its milestones can be found on Mr. Pius Meyer website here: Zitieren
djlivus 0 Geschrieben 15. Juni 2011 Autor Geschrieben 15. Juni 2011 site about new kroll k18000 Zitieren
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