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Basically, every anchored, but freestanding, crane can also go on rails, at the same height.
Modifications have to be made to the undercarriage and ballast, depending on the overall parameters,
f.ex. a very high height. You already mentioned that.

But you add new forces to the tower, with the movement on the rails now. These have to be taken in
your calculation too, and at the end you`ll detect mostly a lower loading figure than before.
( Your safety margin is also lower ).

On the giants like the K3000, the safety margin is very high, due to the high loading figures.
It is very well engineered, and consequently sturdy enough, not to be impaired too much by a rail movement.
But there shure will be restrictions, which Kroll won`t tell you...
Here I assume, that f.ex. a travel with max. load will be forbidden.

So, we`re back at the game of load, height, and all the other parameters, which are unevitably
linked with each other. Change one, and the others will be affected.

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@ par mon ami...
la response de forest71 est trés interessante... mais aucune dessin / photo... je suis desolé !...
Que faire ?
  • 2 weeks later...

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