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Does anybody have any information about a early 90s project Potain MD15000? ... or any picture of 1988 Potain MD 2200( HUH 125m ) shiped for Machinoimport power plant , Lubmin?

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QUOTE(S 46 @ 11.03.11 - 04:43)

The cab => you are right, I have inserted the modernized cab, since I have no reliable data of the original
( Peiner - like ? ) one, every attempt to do so, looked ugly, so I aborted this.

To draw a Potain is very difficult.
I wonder who finds the other mistakes in the drawing, but I won`t tell you. whistling.gif

@ S46: Maybe is about 5,5x5,5 m and 4x4m towers joint section. I think the triangle shaped items drawed by you can not be found in the actual crane. But , your innovation enhances the aesthetics of the crane.
Why it was necessary such a towers combination (5,5 and 4m towers), for economical reasons?
Do you have any idea if Potain MD2200 with 125 m under hook height use such a combination? I have never heard about a MD2200 with compound tower.




bearbeitet von djlivus

Peiner VM2000, the largest luffer manufactured by Peiner. Anyway, project M3200 was by far more impressive, with a mast of 4x4m!


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