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OK, I `ve got some spare time today...
Here `s the K 3000 alone.


PS: why the HUH for normal base k3000 is only 144 m, not 150 m, like the height for portal based crane? There is any technical requirement of this kind? The Kroll officials havn't specified any distinction betwen portal base/normal base.

See: We`re missing 6m then, which is the exact half of the standard 12m TS80 towersegment.
Insert that, and we`re at 150m again. ( Not included in the drawing, and just an assumption by me )
I really don`t know better.
And, yes, I`ve reduced the HuH mark by 1m, to be on the safe side. ( 145m actually measured )


Gast stephan1964

Russian BK series crane

yeah - this is a nice mixture between Liebherr TK60 from the 50´s and 4000HB from the 80´s - biggrin.gif

A list of the cranes in the Potain range in 1988. This year POtain MD1000 was not in their range anymore...


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