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...built around 1985. The bigger cranes are HC 3150, first order and at that moment the largest tower cranes.

Hi there!

Are you sure, that both big cranes are 3150HC? The left one seems quite bigger than the right one. The tower seems wider too and around the slewing ring, these cranes are also different...
Maybe the right one is "only" a 1250HC??
Does anybody know, if I am right?
And what type are the two smaller cranes? Anything around 500HC? I think, they are no EC-H cranes, because in 1985, the EC-H range wasn't on the market, was it? bearbeitet von Baggerfritz

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eusa_think.gif Hello,

honestly speaking, I think you are right. top.gif
I have never noticed the diference between those two cranes... eusa_think.gif
But the larger one is sure a HC 3150-60t version.
The smaller two cranes belong to HC range.


@ Kim: the largest Potain ever build is MD3600, but it is not a sseries crane. The largest series crane to date is MD3200. I know they built at least 2 units, one for Ukraine, and the other for a power plant in France, Flamevillle.

@Linaprim: liebherr 3150 was first built in 1986, as far as I know, and was at its time the largest top/slewing tower crane/ The largest of all was still K-10000 from Kroll. But, personally ,definetely my favorits from Liebherr are C series giants like 750C, 1800 C. Too bad that 2500 C was never built! I think C series from Liebherr, some Richiers and Peiner MK series cranes are among the most beautiful cranes ever built.



The tubular masr seem to be very massive. I know that the mast used by chinesse SCM M1500 is 18 cm diameter! It could be the same mast used by Potain.


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