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Majestic Potain md-3200 on a nuclear plant in France. Maximum load is 64 tonnes. Maximum height under hook is 104.5 m for the static version and 101 m for rail going version. tower is 5.5 x5.5 m. Rail gauge-15 m.

As far as I know it is the largest series crane made by Potain. MD-3600 is not a series crane, only two were produced, based on two Potain MD 2200 sold formerly in China and MD22500 was just a project, never made.


bearbeitet von djlivus

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Peiner MK-1250. It is one of the first giants in tower cranes world . It wad made in 1975. It is true instead that pingon made very big cranes like P-2000 from the late 50s and early 60, but very little is known about these cranes. Maximum load is 63 tonnes to 25 m and can lift 13.2 tonnes to 81m. the maximum height under hook for rail going version is 96.3 m, and the height to the jib is 101,3 m. Maximum height to the top is 112.3 m Rail gauge is 12.5 m. Tower section is above the base -UV-sections-4.6m, and then -S sections-is 4m. The uper part of the tower with cab is 2.35 m. Total weight of the crane is about 360 tonnes.



bearbeitet von djlivus

k-1800, kroll ,old and new. the old kroll k-1800 was used in missouri for a nuclear plant. the height under hook is 94 m, and the tower is 5x5m. New k-1800 was delivered in 1998 for three gorges dam in China. It has a height of 101 m under hook and tower section is 5.43x5.43m



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