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hello,I'm a 18 year old baggerfan and new here since last week, I'm an excavator fan sice the day I was born tongue.gif
my favorite are crawler excavators 20-... ton. (specially demolition and heavy works)but have a great interest in every other bildingmachines wub.gif .a year or 5 ago I strarted to make pctures of machines, I will try to scan them assap. have a lot different pics like cat, kobelco ,fiat hitachi... I also build and repaint models to demolition excavators.
sorry that everything is in English, but my german isnt so well wacko.gif
many greatings from belgium, peter365bl wink.gif

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Hello Peter,

Nice to have you amongst us. Please feel yourself comfortable with the comprehensive topics and the lovely people.

Regards, Beat
Hi Peter,

nice you made it here top.gif
Looking forward to get lots of interesting topics from Belgium wink.gif



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