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Hi Giuseppe,

as all readers are silent here I want just to say a quick "thank you" for those nice pictures. Ormig has in interesting concept of versatile yard cranes I do not know from other manufacturers. Their long history proves them right !

In the "history of cranes" book there is a nice Ormig photograph showing one of the cranes featured in your last pictures (production line photograph; the big ones with their double-decker cabin - posting #25 centre and bottom) in action featuring a long lattice boom ... bearbeitet von Kranich
  • 2 weeks later...
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klatsch.gif You are absolutely right it is crazy,think of images that are 60 years and unfortunately in ITALY these things still happen today,in any case i hope that seeing these pictures there is someone who tries to imitate.Thank you HARDIS top.gif bearbeitet von Puddu 56

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