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Hi, I am from Slovakia. In my small city Detva is a big factory, where we are produce more than 50 years wheel loaders. Maybe somebody know, what are loaders under the name Detvan or DETVA. In 2008, our factory finish the develop of new loader - DETVAN HON 200. Probably it is the best swivelling loader on the world. For me it is the best machine on the world. On the market is only few weeks.

Here are some fotos of these machine:


This machine has 102 Hp Perkins engiine, 2 speed gearbox, 4x4x4 function of axels....but, it is so good for his Z boom or teleskopic arm, which can turn on left or right about 90°. For this function are our machine famous in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, in Azia, China, Africa ......

Sorry for my English, I have only 16 years.

This is my webside about machines Detvan: www.detvastroje.sk , in english Detva machines.

have a nice day!

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