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Europas größte Bau & Baumaschinen Community - Mitglieder: 36.947

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Hello Dear All,

Hope all you are fine and healthy. Unfortunately I dont know the language you people write.
Sorry for that. So I can't understand the spirit of this sweet forum.

Searching through internet for my required machines, finally I faced with this beautiful page.
It is a very very nice page. but the one thing create a tension for us non Europians,
That it doesn't have any English language option.

We request administrators to please add option of English language also.

It will be better for us to understand your point of view properly.

I need used CAT machines from all around Europe.
Can I put my request here in this forum or this is just a talking point instead of being a business Forum.
Looking forward to hear from you people.


Inayat ullah Kakar

Kakar Traders
Office: 5,6,7 CM-25 Ali Town, Super Highway, Sohrab Goth, Karachi 75330 Pakistan
Ph: +92 21 464 7423-4
Fax: +92 21 464 7424
Cell: +92 321 205 5240
Email: kakartraders@yahoo.com
  • 3 weeks later...

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Hello Inayat,

You write that you are looking for Cat machines. Can you specify for which machines you are looking for.

It makes the answer more easy for me and all the members of the forum.

with kind regards


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