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Liebherr A 974 B HD Litronic / R 994 B Litronic

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why not,

user posted image user posted image

on a classic R994 B we can't see the electrical white box as we can see on the KaelbleSL28's picture

user posted image

where do you show an exhaust system on this R994 B ?

perhaps in the black box with the 2 windows ?

I think that is an electrical crawler excavator. huh.gif

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the the right picture in the first line showes the standart configuration of the r994 in a coal mine in spain( the first machine produced and the second sold). i have also visited the machine.
if you order a car ( mercedes) you have a long list with special or extra things.

this machine is not an electric on it is a machine with sound sppress system because it workes near a city.

there is the picture from the standart machine in spain.

best regards



bearbeitet von klausmayr
ok, i have understand,

the R994B is effectively not electrical, the exhaust system is black on the picture,


rolleyes.gif, blush.gif

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