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great photos top.gif I have a question to you, which producer of trucks in china is the successfully? Or witch is your favourite truck?
Thanks for answer.

Regards from germany smile.gif

Nice Trucks...How many Mercedes is there?

HS 100(Hs 100 is a old truck)

i don't know which is the most successful because there are many truck companies in China like Shaan Xi automobile group(Shanqi truck), Sino truck, Hongyan truck,Dongfeng truck,Faw truck,North Benz truck,Futian truck and so on. My favourite producer is Shanqi truck (this one---->


biggrin.gif ) because this company can produce Steyr and Man F2000,and its product quality is the best in China. wink.gif

There are not many Mercedes trucks here,because Mercedes is a expensive truck in China .A D'Long truck is from 240,000 to 400,000 RMB but a Mercedes truck is 1,000,000 RMB or more.But there are some big company bought more than 200 Mercedes trucks .
Like this one---> yes.gif


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